Sunday, November 23, 2008

Psalm 100

I wonder if it is possible to move these words into a more contemporary style - I am likely too staid to try it.

A Psalm of thanksgiving
Be joyful in יְהוָה all the earth
How easily misconstrued is a command to joy
Serve יְהוָה with gladness
Can gladness be ordered? And service?
Come into his presence with a shout
Children snicker in embarrassment when I sing
Know? what? whom?
for יְהוָה he is God
I do not want to imagine that such knowledge is self-generated
He - he made us and we are his
his people and the sheep of his pasture
I am not clear about being a sheep
It's your ancient metaphor
Come into his gates with thanksgiving
his courts with a psalm
Thank him
Gates and courts are foreign to me
but I love your psalms
Praise his name
for יְהוָה is good
Like the light
I agree actually - because of the command to know
for ever is his loving kindness
from age to age he will continue his faithfulness
This helps. Of course my 'for ever' is momentary
Stick with me, Love

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