Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Strength of inter psalm relationship

Still waiting for the next execution of my psalm comparison algortihm... Slow comparing every psalm with every other psalm... Specially when you are coding alone without anyone else much interested - this is off the wall research even in a research environment... and there is so much other work I should be doing... O well...

Finished - finally. Consider Psalms 14 and 53 which we know are practically the same except for a few sentences and the use of YY (Psalm 14) instead of Elohim (Psalm 53).

Psalm -14 and Psalm -53 have 77 connections over 7 verses, average 11

Really! Does this agree with inspection?

Here are the matches - note that there are some (like אֶת אֱלֹהִים) don't show since I deliberately excluded them from all psalm comparisons - though perhaps I should not have.

)MR )MR Psalm -14 Said אָמַר Psalm -53 Said אָמַר
NBL NBL Psalm -14 senseless נָבָל Psalm -53 senseless נָבָל
BLBV BLBV Psalm -14 in his heart בְּלִבּוֹ Psalm -53 in his heart בְּלִבּוֹ
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Not אֵין
H$XYTV H$XYTV Psalm -14 They oppressed הִשְׁחִיתוּ Psalm -53 They oppressed הִשְׁחִיתוּ
H$XYTV H$QYP Psalm -14 They oppressed הִשְׁחִיתוּ Psalm -53 leaned over to look הִשְׁקִיף
H$XYTV HB$TH Psalm -14 They oppressed הִשְׁחִיתוּ Psalm -53 He shamed them הֱבִשֹׁתָה
HT`YBV HT`YBV Psalm -14 they made abomination הִתְעִיבוּ Psalm -53 they made abomination הִתְעִיבוּ
`LYLH P`LY Psalm -14 wantonness עֲלִילָה Psalm -53 these working iniquity פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Not אֵין
`WH `WH Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
`WH `WH Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
+VB +VB Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
+VB +VB Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
M$MYM M$MYM Psalm -14 from the heavens מִשָּׁמַיִם Psalm -53 from the heavens מִשָּׁמַיִם
H$QYP H$XYTV Psalm -14 leaned over to look הִשְׁקִיף Psalm -53 They oppressed הִשְׁחִיתוּ
H$QYP H$QYP Psalm -14 leaned over to look הִשְׁקִיף Psalm -53 leaned over to look הִשְׁקִיף
BNY BNY Psalm -14 at the children of dust עַל בְּנֵי אָדָם Psalm -53 at the children of dust עַל בְּנֵי אָדָם
)DM )DM Psalm -14 at the children of dust עַל בְּנֵי אָדָם Psalm -53 at the children of dust עַל בְּנֵי אָדָם
LR)VT LR)VT Psalm -14 to see לִרְאוֹת Psalm -53 to see לִרְאוֹת
HY$ HY$ Psalm -14 the being הֲיֵשׁ Psalm -53 the being הֲיֵשׁ
MWKYL MWKYL Psalm -14 understanding מַשְׂכִּיל Psalm -53 A song of insight מַשְׂכִּיל
MWKYL MWKYL Psalm -14 understanding מַשְׂכִּיל Psalm -53 understanding מַשְׂכִּיל
DR$ DR$ Psalm -14 seeking דֹּרֵשׁ Psalm -53 seeking דֹּרֵשׁ
YXDV YXDV Psalm -14 they together יַחְדָּו Psalm -53 they together יַחְדָּו
N)LXV N)LXV Psalm -14 corrupt נֶאֱלָחוּ Psalm -53 corrupt נֶאֱלָחוּ
)YN )YN Psalm -14 nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 nothing אֵין Psalm -53 nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 nothing אֵין Psalm -53 Not אֵין
`WH `WH Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
`WH `WH Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
+VB +VB Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
+VB +VB Psalm -14 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב Psalm -53 doing good עֹשֵׂה טוֹב
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Not אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Not אֵין Psalm -53 Nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Not אֵין Psalm -53 nothing אֵין
)YN )YN Psalm -14 Not אֵין Psalm -53 Not אֵין
)XD )XD Psalm -14 a single one גַּם אֶחָד Psalm -53 a single one גַּם אֶחָד
HL) HL) Psalm -14 Did they not הֲלֹא Psalm -53 Did they not הֲלֹא
YD`V YD`V Psalm -14 know יָדְעוּ Psalm -53 know יָדְעוּ
P`LY P`LY Psalm -14 these working iniquity פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן Psalm -53 these working iniquity פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן
)VN )VN Psalm -14 these working iniquity פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן Psalm -53 these working iniquity פֹּעֲלֵי אָוֶן
)KLY )KLY Psalm -14 eating אֹכְלֵי Psalm -53 eating אֹכְלֵי
)KLY )KLV Psalm -14 eating אֹכְלֵי Psalm -53 They ate אָכְלוּ
`MY `MY Psalm -14 my people עַמִּי Psalm -53 my people עַמִּי
)KLV KLV Psalm -14 They ate אָכְלוּ Psalm -53 For not כֻּלּוֹ
)KLV )KLY Psalm -14 They ate אָכְלוּ Psalm -53 eating אֹכְלֵי
)KLV )KLV Psalm -14 They ate אָכְלוּ Psalm -53 They ate אָכְלוּ
LXM LXM Psalm -14 bread לֶחֶם Psalm -53 bread לֶחֶם
QR)V QR)V Psalm -14 they did not call לֹא קָרָאוּ Psalm -53 they did not call לֹא קָרָאוּ
PXDV PXDV Psalm -14 they feared פָּחֲדוּ Psalm -53 they feared פָּחֲדוּ
PXDV PXD Psalm -14 they feared פָּחֲדוּ Psalm -53 fear פָחַד
PXDV PXD Psalm -14 they feared פָּחֲדוּ Psalm -53 fear פָחַד
PXD PXDV Psalm -14 fear פָחַד Psalm -53 they feared פָּחֲדוּ
PXD PXD Psalm -14 fear פָחַד Psalm -53 fear פָחַד
PXD PXD Psalm -14 fear פָחַד Psalm -53 fear פָחַד
YTN YTN Psalm -14 arise יִתֵּן Psalm -53 arise יִתֵּן
MCYVN MCYVN Psalm -14 from Zion מִצִּיּוֹן Psalm -53 from Zion מִצִּיּוֹן
Y$V`T Y$`VT Psalm -14 salvation יְשׁוּעַת Psalm -53 salvation יְשֻׁעוֹת
Y$V`T $BVT Psalm -14 salvation יְשׁוּעַת Psalm -53 the captivity of שְׁבוּת
YWR)L YWR)L Psalm -14 of Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל Psalm -53 of Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל
YWR)L YWR)L Psalm -14 of Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל Psalm -53 Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל
B$VB B$VB Psalm -14 In turning בְּשׁוּב Psalm -53 In turning בְּשׁוּב
$BVT $BVT Psalm -14 the captivity of שְׁבוּת Psalm -53 the captivity of שְׁבוּת
`MV `MV Psalm -14 his people עַמּוֹ Psalm -53 his people עַמּוֹ
YGL YGL Psalm -14 Will rejoice יָגֵל Psalm -53 Will rejoice יָגֵל
Y`QB Y`QB Psalm -14 Jacob יַעֲקֹב Psalm -53 Jacob יַעֲקֹב
YWMX YWMX Psalm -14 Will make glad יִשְׂמַח Psalm -53 Will make glad יִשְׂמַח
YWR)L YWR)L Psalm -14 Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל Psalm -53 of Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל
YWR)L YWR)L Psalm -14 Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל Psalm -53 Israel יִשְׂרָאֵל

Here are a few more obviously highly connected psalms - bits and pieces of Psalm 119 taken 5 or 6 sections at a time.

Psalm 119-K-* and Psalm 119-Ts-T have 2260 connections over 48 verses, average 47.08

Psalm 119-V-Y and Psalm 119-Ts-T have 2115 connections over 48 verses, average 44.06

Psalm 119-A-H and Psalm 119-Ts-T have 2046 connections over 48 verses, average 42.63

Psalm -89 and Psalm 119-Ts-T have 1578 connections over 53 verses, average 29.77

Psalm -78 and Psalm 106 have 2074 connections over 72 verses, average 28.81

Psalm 119-Ts-T and Psalm -18 have 1287 connections over 51 verses, average 25.24

At first the count seems high, but each word may connect to more than one word in the other section and each one counts. I am glad to say that the slightly eccentric algorithm agrees with itself, but I am sad to say that I will likely not find all the differing uses of lexical forms since I am comparing 3 consecutive letters per keyword and the keywords must be at least 3 consonants in length thus omitting 3265 keywords out of 19,548. I am also not including matches on the following: )LHYM, LMNCX, SLH, MZMVR, LDVD, another 466 occurrences. I also eliminate obvious plurals and some other random enclitic Vavs. My parsing is not very smart yet.

Psalm 136 is an interesting study since it has a repeated refrain (לְעוֹלָם חַסְדּוֹ) which will match many times. Will it act as a divider between those psalms that use - 'for his mercy endures for ever' and those that do not? It doesn't since many of the rest of the words in the psalm reflect words in other psalms - so its curve is quite smooth as seen in the following table.

Psalm 136 with
Psalm 118 : 383 connections over 29 verses, average 13.21
Psalm 106 : 627 connections over 48 verses, average 13.06
Psalm -89 : 674 connections over 53 verses, average 12.72
Psalm 103 : 327 connections over 26 verses, average 12.58
Psalm 147 : 289 connections over 26 verses, average 11.12
Psalm -31 : 278 connections over 26 verses, average 10.69
Psalm 145 : 277 connections over 26 verses, average 10.65
Psalm -35 : 290 connections over 28 verses, average 10.36
Psalm 125 : 264 connections over 26 verses, average 10.15
Psalm -73 : 282 connections over 28 verses, average 10.07
Psalm -25 : 257 connections over 26 verses, average 9.88
Psalm -68 : 353 connections over 36 verses, average 9.81
Psalm -72 : 250 connections over 26 verses, average 9.62
Psalm 107 : 401 connections over 43 verses, average 9.33
Psalm 104 : 324 connections over 35 verses, average 9.26
Psalm 135 : 240 connections over 26 verses, average 9.23
Psalm 109 : 285 connections over 31 verses, average 9.19
Psalm -86 : 227 connections over 26 verses, average 8.73
Psalm -33 : 226 connections over 26 verses, average 8.69
Psalm 119-Ts-T : 387 connections over 48 verses, average 8.06
Psalm -45 : 209 connections over 26 verses, average 8.04
Psalm -79 : 209 connections over 26 verses, average 8.04
Psalm 119-V-Y : 319 connections over 40 verses, average 7.98
Psalm 122 : 204 connections over 26 verses, average 7.85
Psalm -78 : 559 connections over 72 verses, average 7.76
Psalm -37 : 310 connections over 40 verses, average 7.75
Psalm -69 : 282 connections over 37 verses, average 7.62
Psalm 119-K-* : 357 connections over 48 verses, average 7.44
Psalm -85 : 191 connections over 26 verses, average 7.35
Psalm 132 : 190 connections over 26 verses, average 7.31
Psalm -59 : 184 connections over 26 verses, average 7.08
Psalm 111 : 182 connections over 26 verses, average 7
Psalm -77 : 181 connections over 26 verses, average 6.96
Psalm 116 : 181 connections over 26 verses, average 6.96
Psalm -41 : 178 connections over 26 verses, average 6.85
Psalm -44 : 184 connections over 27 verses, average 6.81
Psalm -50 : 173 connections over 26 verses, average 6.65
Psalm 105 : 299 connections over 45 verses, average 6.64
Psalm -18 : 338 connections over 51 verses, average 6.63
Psalm -90 : 171 connections over 26 verses, average 6.58
Psalm -52 : 171 connections over 26 verses, average 6.58
Psalm -48 : 168 connections over 26 verses, average 6.46
Psalm -66 : 163 connections over 26 verses, average 6.27
Psalm -40 : 159 connections over 26 verses, average 6.12
Psalm -57 : 159 connections over 26 verses, average 6.12
Psalm 115 : 158 connections over 26 verses, average 6.08
Psalm -81 : 155 connections over 26 verses, average 5.96
Psalm 102 : 169 connections over 29 verses, average 5.83
Psalm 137 : 149 connections over 26 verses, average 5.73
Psalm -55 : 148 connections over 26 verses, average 5.69
Psalm 143 : 148 connections over 26 verses, average 5.69
Psalm -71 : 146 connections over 26 verses, average 5.62
Psalm 148 : 145 connections over 26 verses, average 5.58
Psalm 144 : 141 connections over 26 verses, average 5.42
Psalm 149 : 139 connections over 26 verses, average 5.35
Psalm --5 : 138 connections over 26 verses, average 5.31
Psalm 146 : 138 connections over 26 verses, average 5.31
Psalm -74 : 137 connections over 26 verses, average 5.27
Psalm -17 : 136 connections over 26 verses, average 5.23
Psalm -22 : 163 connections over 32 verses, average 5.09
Psalm -21 : 132 connections over 26 verses, average 5.08
Psalm -30 : 132 connections over 26 verses, average 5.08
Psalm 141 : 132 connections over 26 verses, average 5.08
Psalm -92 : 129 connections over 26 verses, average 4.96
Psalm -32 : 126 connections over 26 verses, average 4.85
Psalm -49 : 123 connections over 26 verses, average 4.73
Psalm -24 : 120 connections over 26 verses, average 4.62
Psalm -29 : 120 connections over 26 verses, average 4.62
Psalm --9 : 117 connections over 26 verses, average 4.5
Psalm -34 : 117 connections over 26 verses, average 4.5
Psalm -36 : 116 connections over 26 verses, average 4.46
Psalm 138 : 115 connections over 26 verses, average 4.42
Psalm -19 : 113 connections over 26 verses, average 4.35
Psalm 112 : 113 connections over 26 verses, average 4.35
Psalm -88 : 110 connections over 26 verses, average 4.23
Psalm -51 : 109 connections over 26 verses, average 4.19
Psalm -42 : 109 connections over 26 verses, average 4.19
Psalm -61 : 108 connections over 26 verses, average 4.15
Psalm -10 : 106 connections over 26 verses, average 4.08
Psalm -28 : 105 connections over 26 verses, average 4.04
Psalm -75 : 105 connections over 26 verses, average 4.04
Psalm 139 : 104 connections over 26 verses, average 4
Psalm -83 : 102 connections over 26 verses, average 3.92
Psalm 140 : 99 connections over 26 verses, average 3.81
Psalm --7 : 98 connections over 26 verses, average 3.77
Psalm -38 : 98 connections over 26 verses, average 3.77
Psalm -16 : 97 connections over 26 verses, average 3.73
Psalm -94 : 94 connections over 26 verses, average 3.62
Psalm -97 : 94 connections over 26 verses, average 3.62
Psalm -26 : 90 connections over 26 verses, average 3.46
Psalm 119-A-H : 135 connections over 40 verses, average 3.38
Psalm --4 : 87 connections over 26 verses, average 3.35
Psalm -96 : 86 connections over 26 verses, average 3.31
Psalm -64 : 84 connections over 26 verses, average 3.23
Psalm 128 : 84 connections over 26 verses, average 3.23
Psalm -12 : 83 connections over 26 verses, average 3.19
Psalm 108 : 83 connections over 26 verses, average 3.19
Psalm -99 : 82 connections over 26 verses, average 3.15
Psalm -76 : 80 connections over 26 verses, average 3.08
Psalm --8 : 79 connections over 26 verses, average 3.04
Psalm -80 : 79 connections over 26 verses, average 3.04
Psalm 100 : 77 connections over 26 verses, average 2.96
Psalm 124 : 77 connections over 26 verses, average 2.96
Psalm 121 : 77 connections over 26 verses, average 2.96
Psalm 114 : 76 connections over 26 verses, average 2.92
Psalm -95 : 72 connections over 26 verses, average 2.77
Psalm 120 : 72 connections over 26 verses, average 2.77
Psalm -56 : 71 connections over 26 verses, average 2.73
Psalm -98 : 71 connections over 26 verses, average 2.73
Psalm -20 : 70 connections over 26 verses, average 2.69
Psalm 110 : 70 connections over 26 verses, average 2.69
Psalm --2 : 69 connections over 26 verses, average 2.65
Psalm -63 : 69 connections over 26 verses, average 2.65
Psalm 113 : 69 connections over 26 verses, average 2.65
Psalm -39 : 68 connections over 26 verses, average 2.62
Psalm -65 : 66 connections over 26 verses, average 2.54
Psalm -27 : 65 connections over 26 verses, average 2.5
Psalm -91 : 64 connections over 26 verses, average 2.46
Psalm -43 : 63 connections over 26 verses, average 2.42
Psalm -62 : 63 connections over 26 verses, average 2.42
Psalm 101 : 62 connections over 26 verses, average 2.38
Psalm -60 : 61 connections over 26 verses, average 2.35
Psalm -46 : 59 connections over 26 verses, average 2.27
Psalm -84 : 59 connections over 26 verses, average 2.27
Psalm -93 : 59 connections over 26 verses, average 2.27
Psalm 117 : 59 connections over 26 verses, average 2.27
Psalm -47 : 55 connections over 26 verses, average 2.12
Psalm 129 : 55 connections over 26 verses, average 2.12
Psalm --6 : 53 connections over 26 verses, average 2.04
Psalm 130 : 53 connections over 26 verses, average 2.04
Psalm --3 : 51 connections over 26 verses, average 1.96
Psalm -23 : 51 connections over 26 verses, average 1.96
Psalm -13 : 50 connections over 26 verses, average 1.92
Psalm -15 : 49 connections over 26 verses, average 1.88
Psalm -53 : 49 connections over 26 verses, average 1.88
Psalm -82 : 43 connections over 26 verses, average 1.65
Psalm -58 : 39 connections over 26 verses, average 1.5
Psalm 131 : 35 connections over 26 verses, average 1.35
Psalm 133 : 35 connections over 26 verses, average 1.35
Psalm -70 : 34 connections over 26 verses, average 1.31
Psalm 126 : 32 connections over 26 verses, average 1.23
Psalm -54 : 28 connections over 26 verses, average 1.08
Psalm 127 : 28 connections over 26 verses, average 1.08
Psalm 123 : 27 connections over 26 verses, average 1.04
Psalm -67 : 26 connections over 26 verses, average 1
Psalm 142 : 26 connections over 26 verses, average 1
Psalm -87 : 25 connections over 26 verses, average .96
Psalm -14 : 24 connections over 26 verses, average .92
Psalm --1 : 20 connections over 26 verses, average .77
Psalm 150 : 18 connections over 26 verses, average .69
Psalm -11 : 13 connections over 26 verses, average .5
Psalm 134 : 12 connections over 26 verses, average .46

And these are the details of the least match: 134 with 136
`BDY VH`BYR Psalm 134 all servants of כָּל עַבְדֵי Psalm 136 and made to pass through וְהֶעֱבִיר
`BDY `BDV Psalm 134 all servants of כָּל עַבְדֵי Psalm 136 his servant עַבְדּוֹ
BLYLVT BLYLH Psalm 134 in the nights בַּלֵּילוֹת Psalm 136 by night בַּלָּיְלָה
MCYVN LSYXVN Psalm 134 from Zion מִצִּיּוֹן Psalm 136 so Sihon לְסִיחוֹן
MCYVN MCRYNV Psalm 134 from Zion מִצִּיּוֹן Psalm 136 from our enemies מִצָּרֵינוּ
`WH L`WH Psalm 134 making עֹשֵׂה Psalm 136 to doing לְעֹשֵׂה
`WH L`WH Psalm 134 making עֹשֵׂה Psalm 136 to making לְעֹשֵׂה
`WH L`WH Psalm 134 making עֹשֵׂה Psalm 136 to making לְעֹשֵׂה
$MYM H$MYM Psalm 134 heaven שָׁמַיִם Psalm 136 the heavens הַשָּׁמַיִם
$MYM H$MYM Psalm 134 heaven שָׁמַיִם Psalm 136 of Heaven הַשָּׁמָיִם
V)RC H)RC Psalm 134 and earth וָאָרֶץ Psalm 136 the earth and the heavens הָאָרֶץ עַל הַמָּיִם
V)RC )RCM Psalm 134 and earth וָאָרֶץ Psalm 136 their lands אַרְצָם

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